May 13-15, 2025
Hotel Monteleone
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the 16th High Pressure Polyethylene (HPPE) Process Safety Workshop!
This workshop will provide a forum for attendees to share and discuss information relevant to process safety in the HPPE industry. Representatives from both national and international polyethylene manufacturers will present experiences, innovations, and ideas regarding safety performance within the following topics:
In addition to delivering critical safety education, this conference provides networking opportunities to socialize with your industry colleagues and grow your network.
Organizers are now accepting abstracts for consideration at the Workshop. Please send your abstract to the Technical Program Representatives (TPRs) for your topic, and to Jake Martin at [email protected]. TPR’s contact information and additional category descriptions are available below.
Each participating company is required to present a Plant Operating Summary in addition to a presentation on one or more of the Workshop topics: Decompositions, Mechanical Integrity, Significant Incidents, Philosophies & Practices.
Companies must also complete the Workshop Participation Agreement for their speakers; please consult your legal department.
Again in 2025, the HPPE Process Safety Workshop will incorporate a pre-workshop survey targeting a specific safety topic. This year, the safety topic is Gas Leak Detection.
If you have not already completed the survey, please take a moment to follow the link below and download a pre-Workshop survey spreadsheet on gas leak detection. The focus of this survey is on flammable gases used in the HPPE process. The survey is an important source of insights into methods of gas leak detection as well as preventions, impacts, and responses. This information will be valuable for company risk reviews and for driving the industry to improve process safety performance.
Because the results will be presented at the Workshop, each company is encouraged to respond. Responses can be for each company site or for the company as a whole. Companies should coordinate internally to ensure there is no duplication/overlap within company responses. Completed surveys will be treated as company-confidential; results will be compiled by PLASTICS without company-identifying information, so no data will be traceable back to the submitting company.
Please target December 13th for your response and allow enough time for the survey completion and any necessary internal reviews ahead of this deadline. Please submit completed surveys directly to [email protected].
See you in New Orleans!