Material Suppliers

Suppliers of plastic resins join with suppliers of additives, colorants and other materials in the Plastics Industry Association’s Material Suppliers Council. The Council advocates on behalf of its members at the local, state, federal and international levels and works to ensure that material suppliers can freely and safely innovate in a way that continues to expand the applications for plastic materials beyond what’s imaginable today. The Material Suppliers Council provides a forum for members to engage with other producers to work through the challenges facing their businesses.

Member Networking & Events

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FLiP: Future Leaders in Plastics

Future Leaders Are Created Today Innovation thrives on people with passion. PLASTICS and the Future Leaders in Plastics (FLiP) Committee are devoted to supporting and encouraging the next generation of plastics leaders who will play a crucial role in the innovation, technology and future of the…

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Influence political legislation and bring change for the future of Material Suppliers

Becoming more involved in the political process in one big way Material Suppliers can bring meaningful change to their organizations and the plastics industry. Regulation, trade, and tariffs are just a few topics that affect the industry, and by taking action to influence political legislation, our members will play an active role in the future of the industry.

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Data Insights for Material Suppliers

The Plastics Industry Association provides a complete data resource portfolio to help our Materials Suppliers make informed business decisions that continue to drive our industry’s innovations and success. Explore resources to help guide your business by clicking below.