Environmental Issues

Every state across the country is home to plastics manufacturers and establishments engaged in plastics processing, marketing, support and captive activities that collectively comprise one of the U.S.’s largest manufacturing sectors. From polymers to products, many of these facilities contribute to or directly produce goods that have environmental benefits – from helping make automobiles more fuel-efficient to recycling products that keep plastics out of landfills. In the process, employers are committed to minimizing impacts on human health and the environment.

What Role Does the Plastics Industry Association Have in Addressing Environmental Issues? 

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) has an Environmental Issues Task Group of the EHS+ Committee in which all members are invited to participate. Meetings are held twice per year with interim calls.

Keeping Members Informed

Members are encouraged to subscribe to the EHS biweekly newsletter to stay abreast of current issues.

The EHS+ Committee’s Environmental Issues Task Group addresses topics including: 

  • Air quality and emissions standards
  • Operating permits
  • Pollution prevention
  • Waste management
  • Risk management plans
  • Water quality

The Product Regulatory Task Group addresses the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) administration of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Monitoring and Responding to Regulatory Issues

PLASTICS monitors and responds primarily to federal initiatives, engaging with the EPA and participating in the rulemaking process to meet the needs of our members.

Developing and Sharing Resources

From members-only communications to webinars open to the industry, PLASTICS provides resources to assist with understanding regulations and facilitates the sharing of company programs and practices with the invaluable experience and expertise of workers in the industry. 

Operation Clean Sweep

The EHS+ Committee supports Operation Clean Sweep, an international program designed to prevent resin loss and help keep this material out of the marine environment.

EHS+ Committee Resources

The EHS+ Committee also has Task Groups for Worker Health and Safety and for Product Regulatory issues.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]